Sunday, February 26, 2012

So this is what a Landscape does NOT look like....

So here we are, going into the 10th week of the year and I'm already starting my 10th job of the year. This is definitely putting a dent into my Project 52...

Monday, February 20, 2012

Let's try this again, shall we?

Week 4 of my Project 52!
OK, so I admit it; I got lazy. Between work and real life, things just didn't come together the way I figured they would. After billing almost 21 work days in January and being a general couch potatoe in February, the Project 52 kinda fell by the wayside... But fear not!!! I'm back and raring to go! It's still a Project 52; I just never said it would be 52 weeks in a row.... (OK, in hindsight maybe I did but it's my Blog so I can pretty much do what I want....)