Friday, November 1, 2013

The Evolution of a Profile Pic

A while back, I set out to update my profile pic on Facebook with a new photo. I didn't know exactly what I wanted but I had an idea that I wanted something a little... edgy.

It took a bit of work but I finally managed  to get a pic I was happy with. A few people have asked me how I went about taking this photo so I figure I'd share it with them.

Then I rememberd that I had a blog...


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day at the Brickworks

(This is a post I was working on way back in April of last year. I have no idea why I never bothered to post it. Here it is now for what it's worth)

So last week I had an opportunity to take my camera to work again. This time we were shooting at the Evergreen Brick Works. From 1889 to the 1980s the Don Valley Brick Works was one of Canada’s pre-eminent brickyards. At its peak more than 43 million bricks a year were manufactured for use in the construction of homes and buildings across Canada. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

What's New On My End

Hey! I just remembered... I have a blog!!!

I know it's been a little while since I've updated my blog (Ok, about a year or so...) so I decided to bring you all (all 4 of you...) up to date on what's new on my end...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Around My City

Every once in a while, I bring my camera to work. Last week as we were driving around the city, I decided to snap a few pics while we were out and about.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I Have Seen the Light... (through a tinted piece of glass....)

OK, so I finally had a chance to try out my new HiTech Grad ND filters and my Cameron Fader ND today. The pics aren't exactly high art but they'll give you an idea of what exactly they're capable of. 

Monday, March 12, 2012


I've been having so much fun with my new 90mm macro lens that I figured it was time to step it up a notch. What I needed was a dedicated macro flash.

So one day last week I decided to check out Henry's to see what a macro flash was going for...

Ummm... yea; that's not gonna happen.

So what's a guy to do? Well, how about make my own....

Friday, March 2, 2012

Week 9 for the Project 52

So I finally had some time off this week (Yay me!!!) and I decided it was about time I finally set out to shoot that Landscape picture I've been talking about for the last few weeks or so. Friday seemed like a good enough day so I packed up all my stuff, loaded it into my car and set out to see what I could find...