Sunday, October 27, 2013

What's New On My End

Hey! I just remembered... I have a blog!!!

I know it's been a little while since I've updated my blog (Ok, about a year or so...) so I decided to bring you all (all 4 of you...) up to date on what's new on my end...

First off, I've finally taken the plunge; I upgraded my old Nikon D5000 to a brand spanking new Nikon D7100!

Nikon D7100
Just look at her; she's a thing of beauty. 24 megapixels, weather sealed, dual SD card slots and enough bells and whistles to keep a techno geek like me happy for a very long time!

This is one very good camera! The pics are incredibly sharp and the dynamic range is unbelievable (100-6400 native ISO; expandable up to 25,600!). This thing will take pictures in light levels that your eyes have trouble seeing what your taking pictures of! It's the top of the line for the Nikon DX line at the moment and so far, I'm loving every minute of using it!

Now it's true that it isn't the camera, its the photographer that makes all the difference when it comes to good pictures. I don't claim to be a good photographer, not by a long shot. But I do enjoy it very much. This camera just increases my enjoyment by that much more.

In the near future, I'll be taking it out for a spin with a few of the lenses I already own. I look forward to trying a few new things (macro anyone?) and posting about them here for all the world to see! Well, at least the portion of the world that actually knows about this blog... all 4 of them....

That brings me to the next item....

My trusty old Sony Vaio finally gave up the ghost. It's been suffering from slow downs and excessive heat (by "excessive" I mean you could fry an egg on the keyboard) so it was time to move on. So on that note; I've finally left the world of PC computing behind. I'm now the proud new owner of a Macbook Pro!

MacBook Pro 2013
It's shiny, it's new and it's confusing as hell for an old PC guy like myself. Don't get me wrong; so far I love it! It's just most of the time I have no idea what I'm doing with it! It's definitely user friendly but if the user is yours truly, it's still gonna take a while to get use to using it properly and to its full potential. I got the 15" model with Retina display (they don't make the non Retina anymore). The Retina display is absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait to load up some of my new photo's on it and run it through Lightroom (That's why there are no pics accompanying the earlier part of this post, I haven't loaded any of them onto the new laptop yet ). Hopefully I'll get a chance to do that later this week.

(Update: I've been at it for two days now... about 90% there....)

Hopefully now that I have a working computer, I'll be a little more regular with the Blog updates....

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