It's not an original idea by any stretch of the imagination. Lately I've been cruising the web looking for ideas to inspire me with my photography. I'm an amateur at best but I want to improve. I've noticed one project trend that I personally think is kinda cool; Project 365. What's a Project 365 you ask? Well, I'm gonna tell you...
Project 365
What is a Project 365? While they can take many forms, for photography’s sake it’s the act of taking a picture every day for a year. Many people will then post the photos on their blog, Flickr, Picasa Web Albums or just send them to friends.
The idea behind starting a Project365 is to make photography an every day event, with hopes of improving the art. It also has the added benefit of forcing a photographer to slow down and take a different look at the world around them.
(Taken from
Sounds interesting, doesn't it? One slight problem though...
Commitment. Who's got the time to take a photo EVERY SINGLE DAY for a whole year? I know I don't. Real life has a tendency to get in the way when you want to do something like this. I know with my work schedule (yes, I do have to work occasionally) this kind of thing is a huge commitment and unfortunately it's one I don't think I'd be able to carry through. If only there was a way to do something like this with a more relaxed time frame. Enter Project 52.
Project 52?
It's the same idea as a Project 365 but instead of one photo a day it's more like one photo a week. I know for me that's a little more doable. Even if I'm working, surely I can get up the energy to post at least ONE photo a week? (Sure you can; and don't call me Shirley...) I mean even if I don't have my camera with me, I've always got my cell phone handy and that's got a camera built into it, doesn't it? (for the record, yes it does...)
Not every picture is going to be a keeper; I know this. The whole idea is to IMPROVE over time. Hopefully by the end I'll be a better photographer.
What Equipment Do You Have to Start?
Well, I'm glad you asked. (I know, you didn't really ask but it's my Blog and I can do what I want...)

Since then I've picked up a few lenses to go with it:
Nikkor AF-S VR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6G IF-ED (my "Super Zoom")
Nikon AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G (Great for low light, this is my fastest lens)
AF NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8D (good little portrait lens)
Sigma 10-20mm F4-5.6 EX DC HSM (My wide angle lens)
I also purchased a SB-600 flash unit (to which I've added a YN-560 flash recently), a Manfrotto tripod and a set of Strato II Wireless flash triggers. There are many other little things that I've added to my kit too; a set of reflectors, a wired remote, a Gary Fong Lightsphere, a mono pod... I could go on but even I can see your eyes glazing over as you read this...
What Do You Plan On Doing With All This Shit?
I plan to have fun!!!
I haven't decided on what format my Project 52 will take as of yet. I DO know it will start with a self portrait and evolve from there. I may set goals for myself, I may have a weekly theme; as of right now, I just don't know.
I'm open to suggestions...
Some weeks may be a studio set up (well, as much of a studio as I can have), some weeks may be me out in the field shooting whatever looks interesting to me at the time, some weeks may even be a simple cell phone photo that I managed to grab while at work. I just don't know.
Over the next few weeks I'll try and hash out the details. I plan on starting my Project 52 in the new year so I still have a little time to think about it.
If you have any ideas, feel free to comment, as I said before, I'm open to suggestions.
Sounds like fun. Not sure what else you would want to add to this idea. It's simply and clear.
ReplyDeleteI guess a theme or a specific style could be fun too. Like the theme of 'Trains' shot only with a wide angle (while wearing a speedo).
I do like this 52 idea. Count me in.
Deal! As I said, I'm hoping to flesh out the idea a little more over time. The problem is gonna be coming up with themes for the various weeks. Don't get me wrong, not every week needs a theme but it would certainly add something to the project.