Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Possible Themes for Project 52

Well, I've been doing some thinking (can you smell the smoke?) I've come up with a few ideas I'd like to explore throughout my Project 52. I figure I'll come up with 26 theme weeks and 26 "dealers choice" weeks.

What I've come up with so far:

  1. Self Portrait
  2. Colours
  3. Framing
  4. Portrait
  5. Reflections
  6. Night Shot
  7. Long Exposure
  8. Decay
  9. Food
  10. Glass
  11. Animals
  12. Black & White
  13. Churches & Graveyards
  14. Landscapes
  15. The Automobile
  16. Silhouettes
  17. Lines
  18. Liquid
  19. ...

And this is where I draw a blank. What else can I explore? There are hundreds of ideas out there I just can't seem to narrow it down.

The other thing is how do I go about randomizing the themes? It kind of defeats the purpose of the whole experiment to know what's coming. Part of what I want to do with this whole thing is challenge myself. If I know what's coming up, I'm not gonna be particularly challenged now, am I? I guess I could always get Mrs. Special K to just pull themes out of a hat. I have some really cool hats...

Well, maybe not THAT cool....

As always, comments are appreciated.


  1. Add trains,tracks and stations maybe..they look good in B&W.


  2. Trains, tracks and stations... I like that one! Consider it added to the list!

  3. Hi Kev,
    It's Denise again. I thought of some more ideas. Here goes...
    Windows (including stained glass) and doors
    Street art(probably lots in the downtown core)
    You could have a theme of 'funny things/stuff'
    You could have a theme of "guess what this is"
    Clearly I have no life. LOL. Anyways, let me know if you have heard enough.
    Your enthusiast,

  4. Excellent! I figure I'll throw all the suggestions into a hat and pick them randomly. The more suggestions I have the less likely I'll be to know what's coming next!

  5. Yea, if anyone is wondering that last comment was me....
